Our October discussion is the start of a 4-month journey where we will be reading and discussing Focus on Inquiry - A teachers guide to implementing inquiry-based learning. It is FREE to download here
This month we will focus on chapters 1- 4 only.
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Once you have finished here head over to part 2 here and part 3 here

Reflection on the foreword and something to think about before we start.
Inquiry within Alberta has been evolving since 1985 and had gone through 2 updates since then, the last one being in 2004. This journey does not stop here and we are now part of the next cycle. Adding our understanding and thoughts to this process. Page X for the foreword poses 9 questions. Please read these carefully and make some notes on your answers and keep them safe. This needs to be your focus as we move through this publication. We intend to re-visit these at the end of our journey to see if anything has changed.
Please click reply to answer each question. Once you have clicked reply scroll down to the bottom of the other replies to find space waiting for your reply withing that section. If you want to tag a person you are specifically replying to use @ and their name should come up when you start typing.
If you have any questions please just ask here
Yes @Elizabeth I find 'buy-in' from some subject departments non-existent; such as maths. Without whole-school engagement it is difficult to convince some teachers that spending time on building learning skills is not at the expense of direct learning of a subject.