Dismantling the Evaluation Framework by Alaina C. Bull, Margy MacMillan and Alison Head is an interesting peer-reviewed article from In the Library with the Lead Pipe. It discusses the usefulness of CRAAP and SIFT in information literacy instruction. Here is the link to read the article:- https://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/2021/dismantling-evaluation/
Please join in the discussion below...
(Atharva Tulsi, Unsplash, https://unsplash.com/photos/RVpCAtjhyuA)
There are some great discussion questions on the Project Information Literacy website. Here is one of their questions to get us started...
How would adopting a proactive perspective on evaluation change the ways you currently teach evaluation of sources? Would it have any effect on how you teach searching for information?