Dismantling the Evaluation Framework by Alaina C. Bull, Margy MacMillan and Alison Head is an interesting peer-reviewed article from In the Library with the Lead Pipe. It discusses the usefulness of CRAAP and SIFT in information literacy instruction. Here is the link to read the article:- https://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/2021/dismantling-evaluation/
Please join in the discussion below...
(Atharva Tulsi, Unsplash, https://unsplash.com/photos/RVpCAtjhyuA)
There are some great discussion questions on the Project Information Literacy website. Here is one of their questions to get us started...
How would adopting a proactive perspective on evaluation change the ways you currently teach evaluation of sources? Would it have any effect on how you teach searching for information?
CRAAP and SIFT have long been a way of teaching website evaluation. It seems, however, that the evolution of the internet has made these checklists difficult to use as a guarantee to find a genuine website. Is it time to change our practices?
Quote - This change in thinking allows us to move from reactive evaluation, that is, “Here is what I found, what do I think of it?” to proactive evaluation, “Because I understand where this information came from and why I’m seeing it, I can trust it for this kind of information, and for this purpose.”
Does the quote above make you think differently about how you will teach website evaluation? What are the problems or benefits you can envisage with this approach?