Why do teachers need to be reminded that they need school librarians?
This blog is about the value of school libraries. Advocating for the role of the school library within the educational process of every school.
Aspirational and inspirational school librarians
Inquiry learning - GSL's, FOSIL and IFLA - What does this mean?
We have a problem! Now I understand why...
BEM, who me? You have got to be joking! New challenges and more advocacy for school Libraries.
Advocacy, an essential tool in helping teachers understand why they need school librarians
Our children need us! 4 survival tips for school librarians
Phew! Finished! Write an annual report... Why? No way!
School Librarians, why is no one listening? How to help schools understand your role.
School Librarians: Not sure why? Finding that spark...
Marketing your school library
Looking to the future through our school libraries
School Librarians - A reflection: Can we really be all things to everyone?
Breaking News! Look what happens when teachers work with the School Librarian!
End of an amazing year: Reflections of a librarian working with school libraries
How are school librarians getting a foot in the door of the classroom?
JCS Digital Literacy conference 2018
Self-promotion for school librarians: Do we need to write about it?
5 reasons children need school libraries
3 ways you can support the Great School Libraries Campaign