Petit Bot, Guernsey - Photo by Lauren Tyrrell
About Me
I am a School Library Specialist, trainer and adviser who supports collaboration between teachers and school librarians to raise literacy levels and academic attainment.
A good school library that works within the curriculum can bring benefits to all students, especially those in poorer communities.
Through my membership, Engaging and Empowering School Libraries, I provide training, support and mentoring to empower school librarians with the knowledge and tools they need to move their library forward.
I also work alongside schools, teachers and SLT helping them to understand and realise the value of their school library.
If you want to know more please feel free to contact me.
More about me...
I'm a Chartered Fellow of CILIP (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals). My career has included being a school librarian with teaching experience, an SLS librarian and finishing as Head of a Schools' Library Service in Guernsey before becoming an independent trainer.
I am an international speaker, blogger, podcaster and author, having written many journal articles for professional magazines including, CILIP Information Professional.
I am interested in a school librarian's role within inquiry learning and was the first adopter of FOSIL beyond Oakham School in 2013 and was the first member of the FOSIL Group beyond Oakham School in 2019. Since then, I have worked tirelessly advocating for FOSIL-based inquiry learning.
Finalist and runner-up in the LILAC Information Literacy Award in 2016 and was shortlisted again in 2020.
BEM in the 2020 New Year honours list for services to libraries.
Pam Wegmann international award from AIIP in 2023